Selected Work Published in this volume by Lisa & James Laughlin

The day I received an email from James Laughlin, (a well known drummer in his own right), asking if I would provide a number of images for a book he and his wife were working on was one of my proudest moments as a photographer. When I was informed that the woman, whose photographic work has been a constant inspiration to me, Ryan MacDonald, would be the primary featured photographer, I honestly cried. To be included in a publication with her work along with several others I greatly admire was an honor that I carry with me always. This book, in its entirety, is a treasure of images, and stories of the struggles and the exhilaration on the road to greatness. It is a volume of inspiration. Sadly, this publication is is sold out in North America in hardbound form; however, it is still available for digital download through the link provided.